Our top priority is the health, safety and well-being of all those attending Mining Transformed. Please review the following underground safety measures prior to attending Mining Transformed.
Every person must wear the proper PPE while underground and on surface property, except while inside the NORCAT Underground Centre surface building – no exceptions.
Attendees will be provided with the required PPE, graciously provided by Soucie Salo Safety.
The health, safety and well-being of all Mining Transformed guests – attendees, exhibitors, media and volunteers – is our utmost priority. All guests must complete the new Mining Transformed site orientation prior to arrival of the event. This online orientation takes ten minutes to complete and will ensure a smooth and simple entry on site.
All guests must complete a short Site Safety Orientation before accessing the exhibition. In addition, in order to accurately track who is underground at all times, every guest must tag in and tag out of the Underground area using the TopVu eTag Board, and every guest must sign in and sign out of the site upon arrival and departure each day.